HabitChange Coach Training Courses

HabitChange Coach Training
Course I: HabitChange Coach Fundamentals
In this course, students undergo personal transformation as they develop skills and competencies as a professional coach. This 3-day course on Zoom helps students learn all of the International Coach Federation (ICF) core coaching competencies as well as learn an effective model of habit change. Included in the HabitChange model, students will learn about the 7 Barriers to Change and how to overcome these barriers with clients using one of our proprietary assessments.
This course is highly experiential, using peer coaching and feedback as a key approach to learning. Upon successful completion of this course, students will receive a certificate of completion and will be eligible to take HabitChange Coach II to further their coach training.
By the end of HabitChange Coach Fundamentals, students will:
Understand coaching -- the profession, the industry, its ethics, and its application.
Learn and practice the fundamental skills for effective coaching
Better help themselves and others create sustained behavior change
Develop a mindfulness meditation practice for increasing awareness
Understand the Stages of Change Model by Prochaska, et al
Complete 24 hours of coach training in the core competencies
Investment: $995
Next dates: January 21-23, 2022 on Zoom
By application only. Click here to apply:
Course II: HabitChange Coach II
Prerequisite: Course I: HabitChange Coach Fundamentals
The HabitChange Coach II course furthers the student coach’s skills in the ICF coaching competencies as well as deepens the student’s skills in working with the HabitChange model. In this 3 day course on Zoom, students will expand their mindfulness practice and be introduced to Mindful Self Compassion (MSC).
This course is highly experiential, using peer coaching and feedback as a key approach to learning. Upon successful completion of this course, students will receive a certificate of completion and will be eligible to take HabitChange Coach III to further their coach training.
By the end of HabitChange Coach II, students will:
Learn to use the Small Step process of habit change
Gain more skill in coaching through Barriers to Change
Develop their intuition
Learn a simple tool to increase in the moment awareness
Learn strategies to self -manage as a coach
Understand the arc of the coaching session and the ongoing coaching engagement with clients
Investment: $1495
Next dates: February 18-20, 2022 on Zoom
By application only.
Course III: HabitChange Coach III
Prerequisite: Course 2: HabitChange Coach II
The HabitChange Coach III course furthers the student coach’s skills in coaching competencies as well as introduces the student to coaching through the HabitChange Process. Students go through a proprietary process of assessing emotional, physical, and spiritual health across eight integrated life practice areas.
These areas are: Resilience, Nutrition, Exercise, Spirituality, Learning, Friendship, Sleep, and Simplicity. Students learn how to develop a personalized Life Plan using these eight life practices by identifying a vision, goal, and anchor for themselves while learning to use this model with clients. Upon successful completion of this course, students will receive a certificate of completion and will be eligible to further their coach certification and take Coach Residency.
By the end of HabitChange Coach III, students will:
Develop a personal Life Plan and learn how to use with clients
Learn how to use the Small Step™ process in life planning
Have looked honestly and deeply at their lives across the following life practices: Resilience, Nutrition, Exercise, Spirituality, Learning, Friendship, Sleep, and Simplicity
Help clients use mindfulness as a way to increase their awareness
Learn how to use coaching as an adjunct professional service to help clients manage various health issues
Complete an additional 24 hours of coach training
Investment: $1495
Next dates: March 18-20, 2022
By application only.
Course IV: Coach Residency
Prerequisite: Course 3: HabitChange Coach III
Doing Coaching is designed to further the coach’s development and support the coach in their effort to make a global impact. Included in this class is a residency experience for the students where they coach in an organization, along with group supervision, case presentations, and introduction to the local chapter of the ICF. Some discussion topics may include: coaching vs. mentoring vs. therapy vs. consulting; spirituality vs. religion; boundary violations; self care and self-management; managing time and energy; money and wealth; creating a successful coaching business; finding peace and happiness; living with humor, joy and fun. Students who successfully complete this course as well as the required supervision and mentor coaching, will be eligible to apply for ICF credentialing.
By the end of Coach Residency, students will:
Complete a coaching residency at a local organization
Complete the final 42 hours of coach training toward the 125 hours required by the ICF
Contribute and discuss case presentations on coaching
Review and discuss current event articles relevant to coaching
Learn how to navigate “sticky situations” in coaching
Receive support in further developing their coaching business
Investment: $1495
Next dates: April 13, 2022, meets weekly from Noon-2PM ET on Zoom for 14 weeks.